The Basics of Bats
July 20, 2022 @ 6:00PM — 7:00PM Pacific Time (US & Canada) Add to Calendar
Bats Need Love Too!
Join us along with our community partners Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority and Bat Conservation International for a special presentation about the basics of bats, San Jose bats, and what you can do in your own yard to help! Bats are vital to healthy ecosystems and human economies worldwide. Yet these wonderfully diverse and beneficial creatures are among the least studied and most misunderstood of animals. Bats are threatened worldwide, and their colonies and habits are destroyed — both intentionally and inadvertently — because of myths, misinformation, and lack of scientific knowledge and understanding. Learn more about the bats that live in San Jose and how you can help them thrive. photo: Yuma myotis by Michael Durham
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